The idea came purely from necessity, living in Darwin meant that any other type of cover was way too hot for me and my girls. I also really needed a means for managing spillage (rather than wearing my milk soaked singlet around) and wanted something to provide a barrier between my skin and my daughters heads, so that the poor little things did not end up all red and dripping with sweat.
So after much experimentation and two beautiful little test subjects (my daughters) I was prompted by several people to sew and sell the covers. I looked into the concept thinking surely someone else has already done it, but no one had. So securing the idea with a patent became the next step.
After successfully securing the idea we launched at the local markets with great success. We were so grateful for all of the positive feedback on the concept and know that you will be the next important step in our success.
So please tell everyone you know about it, keep us in mind the next time you go to a baby shower and keep the word spreading. Please go ahead and like our Facebook page as we will be posting plenty about the product and our progress.